IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN the seven and twentieth day of May A.D 1646 and in the, Two and Twentyeth Year of the Reigns of Our Sovereign Lord Charles by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland and King Defender of the Faith, I JANE LEESON of Abthorpe ats Apsthorpe in the County of Northton Spinster being of perfect health of sound mind and disposeing Memory Praised bee God doe make and declare this my last Testament contayning therein my last will in manner and forme following (that is to say) Ffirst and principally I commend my Soul to Almighty God that gave it in Steadfast faith and assured hope of the full and free Remission pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and offences and that after this life ended I shall inheritt and enjoy Eternall life in the Kingdom of Heaven only by and through the meritts death and passion of Christ Jesus my only and alone Saviour and Redeemer with all the Elect Saints of God And my Body I will to be buried in decent and Christianlike manner in the Chappell of Abthorpe aforesaid at and by the discreetion of my Executor hereafter named and as touching and concerning the disposeing of my temporall estate and worldly substance wherewith it hath pleased God to Bless me I doe will dispose and appoint the same in such manner and forme and to such uses and purposes as hereafter in this my Will is expressed and declared AND WHEREAS our late Soveraign Lord King James in and by His Highness Letters Patents under the Seal of his Court of Exchequer bearing date at Westminster the second day of December in the year of majesties Reigns England Ffrance and Ireland the fourth and of Scotland the ffourtieth for the ffine therein mentioned did grant and to farme Lett to me the said Jane Leeson All that his Capitall Messuage or tenement with the appurtenances situate lying and being in Abthorpe ats Apsthorpe afore- said in his highness said County of Northton and one Close in Abthorpe ats Apsthorpe aforesaid conteyning by estimacion six acres and all those seventy acres of land arrable in Anthorpe ats Apsthorpe aforesaid also and all that his Meadow with the Appurtenances called Grass Croft conteyning by Estimacon four Acres lying and being in Abthorpe ats Apsthorpe aforesaid sometimes in the tenure or occupation of John Hickling and late in the tenure of Arthur Leeson deced or of his Assigns all and singular which said premises then were parcell of his Hignness Mannour of Aldrington in the said County or Northton and parcell of the Honour of Grafton in the said County and all and singular Houses Edifices Buildings Barnes Stables Dovehouses Orchards. Gardens Lands Meadow. Foodings pasture. commons and other profitts Comodityes advantages emoluments and hereditaments whatsoever to the premises or any of them in any wise belonging or pertaining or with the same. or any of them before that time being usually demlsed lett occupied reputed or enjoyed for or under the yearly rent of Threescore Six shillings and eight pence with the appurtenances wbatsoever (except as in the said Letters excepted) To have and to hold the said Capitall Messuages or tenement and all and singular other the premises with tbeir appurtenances (except before excepted ) to me the said Jane Leeson my Executors and Assigns from the makeing of the said Letters Patents unto the end of the terms and for the terms of Ffourty years then next following paying therefore yearley to his Majesty his heires and suocessors three score six shillings and eight pence of lawfull money of England and also thirty two shillings of like money of England or for the price of two sheep to and for the provision of his Majesty's household his heirs and successors at tile Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Michael the ArchAngelI at the receipt of his Majestys Exchequer or to the hands of the Bayliffe or Receivour of the premises for the time being by equal portions to be paid during the said terms as In and by the said recited Letters Pattents now at large may appear AND WHEREAS I the said Jane Lesson by my deed poll bearing date the twenty sixth day of January In the Second Year of the Reign of our Sovereign and Lord King Charles did Grant Assigne and Lett over unto my trusty friends John Stephens William White and Robert Cooke, Groom - all the said Capitall Messuage or tenement Croft Meadow and premises with their appurtenances and all my Estate Interest and terms of yeares then to come claims and demand of In and unto the same by virtue of the said recited Letters Patents To have and to hold the said mesuage or tenement and premises with their appurtenances and all the estate interest terms of years to come claims and demand of me the said Jane of in end to the same unto the said John Stephens William White and Robert Cooke their executors administrators and assigns in large and ample manner and favour as I the said Jane before the sealing and delivery thereof had held and enjoyed the same Nevertheless upon Special Right and Confidence that I the said Jane might at any time during the said terms dispose thereof to such person or persons and to and for such uses and purposes as I should limit and appoint by any deed or deeds In writing or by my last Will and Testament in writing under my hand and (1.) seal as In and by the said deed poll may more plainly and at large appear AND WHEREAS our late soveraign Lord King James by his Indenture under the Great Seal of England dated the 10th day of January in the fourteenth year of hls Reigns did demise grant and to farme Lett unto Sir Walter Sir James Fullerton and Sir Thomas Trevor, Knights and to others since deced (amongst other things All the said Capltall Mesouage or tenement land and premises with their appurtenances in Abthorpe ats Apsthorpe aforesaid except as therein excepted) TO HAVE AND TO HOLD TO THEM their Executors and Assigns from the Feast of St.Michael the Archangell than last past before the date of the same Indenture unto the full end and term of Ninety nine years from then next ensuing as In and by the same Indenture (amongst other things therein contained) more at large It doth and may appear AND WHEREAS the said Sir John Walter Sir James Fullerton and Sior Thomas Trevor being the surviving leesees of the premises and Interested or possessed by virtue of the said demise of and In the premises by survivour the said Sir John Walter byy the name of Sir John Walter, Knight Chief Baron of His Majesties Court of Exchequer the said Sir James Fullerton by the name of Sir James Fullerton Knight one of the Gentleman of His Majesty's Bedchamber and the said Sir Thomas Trevor by the name of Sir Thomas Trevor, Knight one of the Barons of His Majesty's Court of:Ohequer did by their Indentures bearing date the seven and twentieth day of Ffebruary Anno Dni 1626 and in the second year of the reign of our said Soveraign Lord King Charles for the considerations therein expressed Grant Assign and Let over unto me the said Jane Leeson All the said Capitall Messuage lands and premises in Abthorpe ats Apsthorpe aforesaid AND all their estate right title Interest terms of years Provision and demand of in and to the same Except as therein Is excepted To have hold and enjoy the same to me the said Jane Lesson my Executors and Assigns for and during all the rest and residue then to come of the said terme of Ninety nine years mentioned In the said Indenture made by his said late Majesty YIELDING AND, PAYING therefor yearly during the said terme and number of years then to come unto the said Sir John Walter Sir James Fullerton and Sir Thomas Trevor their executors and assigns to the use of His Majesty His heirs and successors the yearly rent of Nine pounds seventeen shillings and four pence of lawfull money of England at such feasts and in such manner and forme as In and by the last mentioned Indenture It doth and may more plainly and at large appear AND WHEREAS Also I the said Jane Leeson In and by one other deed poll bearing date tbe twentyeth day of March Anno Dni 1627 and in the third year of the King's Majesty's Reigns that now is did grant alien assigns and lett over unto my trusty friends John Crow Esquire and Francis Stockley, Groom All the land capltll messuage Close Meadow lands and premises with the appurtenances and all my estate Interest and terms of yeares then to come therein or in any part thereof by virtue of the said recited Indentures or either of them or otherwise To have and to hold the same unto the said John Crewe and Frances Stockley their Executors administrators and assigns in as large and ample manner and forme as I the said Jane Leeson before the Ensaealing and delivery thereof had held and enjoyed the same upon trust and confidence nevertheless that I the said Jane may and might at any time during my life dispose of the said Interest and of the issues and profitts of the premises to such person and persons and to such uses and purposes as I the said Jane by my deed or deeds In writing under my hand and seal or by my last Will and Testament in writing or otherwise should limit and appoint the same as by the said deed poll last recited (and reference now being thereunto had) may more plainly and at large appear AND WHEREAS our said Sovereign Lord King Charles by His Highness's Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England bearing date at Westminster the fourteenth day of January in the third year of His Highness' reign for the considerations therein expressed Did give and grant unto Rjchard Crossley Esquire his heirs and assigns amongst other things) All that the said Capitall Messuage or tenement before mentioned and all the said Closes Meadows Lands hereditaments and premises with all their appurtenances In Abthorpe ate Apsthorpe aforesaid Except as In and by.the same Letters Patents last mentioned to Excepted) TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same to the said Richard Crossley his heirs and assigns for ever for and under the yearly rent of Nine pounds seventeen shillings fourpence of ffee ftarm to be paid unto his said Majesty his heirs and successors at such times and In such manner as by the said Letters Patents appeareth AND WHEREAS afterwards the said Richard Crossley in and by his Indenture Inrolled bearing date the one and Thirtyeth day of March Anno Dni 1628 and in the Ffourth Year of the Kings Majestyie's reign that now Is made between him the said Richard Crossley on the one part and me the said Jane Leeson on the other part for the causes trusts and confidences in the same Indenture expressed did grant bargain sell enffeoff and confirms as therein mentioned to Grant Bargain Enffeoff and Confirme unto me the said Jane Leeson my heirs and assigns all the said premises with their appurtenances In Abthorpe ate Apsthorpe aforesaid and all the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Title and demand whatsoever of the sald Richard Crossley and his heirs of In and to the same for and under rents covenants and conditions as are in and by the said last recited Letters Patents mentioned and reserved for and in respect of the promises as in and by the said last recited Indenture more at large appeareth AND WHEREAS also the said Richard Crossley for the further performance of the trust reposed in him by me the said Jane and for the further assureing confirming and Settling of the premises to me and my heirs for ever did by his Deed of Feoffment duly executed bearing date the sixteenth day of September In the said ffourth years of the Kings Majestie's reign that now is alien grant enffeoff release and confirm unto me the said Jane Leeson my heirs and assignes all the said premises with their appurtenances In Abthorpe ats Apsthorpe aforesaid and the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders of the same and of every parcell thereof TO HAVE AND TO HOLD to me the said Jane Leeson my heires and assigns to the onely use of me my herires and assignes forever as by the said Deed of Ffeoffment more fully and at large appeareth NOW I the said Jane Leeson doe by this my Last Will and Testament In writing Give Devise Will limitt and appoynt all my said messuage or tenement closes lands meadows and hereditaments with their appurtenances In Abthorpe and Ffoxcoate aforesaid unto my honoured friends Sir Willlam Frfarmer of Efton In the County of Northton aforesaid Baronet Sir Richard Samuell of Upton in the County of Northton Knight John Crewe of Sloane Esquire Edward Harby of Addson in the County of Northton Esquire Richard Truft of Maydeford In the County aforesaid Esquire John Matthew of Bradden in the County aforesaid Esqre: George Browne of Holmsdon In the County aforesaid Gentleman Lawrence Carter of Parlorspury in the said County Gentleman Rchard Wofton of the said Town and County, Gentleman, and Richard Winckles of Field Burcott In the County aforesaid Yeoman and to their heirs and assignes for ever In trust and upon speciall hope and confidence in them and their heires by me reposed that they the said Wllliam Farmer Sir sRichard Samuell John Crewe Edward Harby Richard Truft John Matthew George Browne Lawrence Carter Richard Wofton and Richard Winckles and their heirs and assignes shall from and after the death of me the said Jane Leeson hold possess and enjoy the said messuage or tenement (2.) Lands meadows Closes pastures hereditaments and premises with their appurtenances and Receive and take the Rents Issues and profitts thereof for ever more upon trust hope and confidence in them by me reposed that they and their heirs and assignes shall by and with the said rents isssues and profitts yearly for over hereafter well and truely pay and deliver the yearly sum of E30 of lawfull money of England towards the relief of the poore people for the time being the Towns and Villages hereafter in my Will named by such proportions and In such manner and forme as hereafter In this my Will In proportioned limited and expressed that is to say to the poore people of Abthorpe aforesaid and Village of Ffoxcoate in the said county of Northton Yearely three pounds to the Poore people of Towncrofter and Wood Burcott yearley ffourty shillings to the poore people of Braokley In the County aforesaid ffourty shillings yearely To the poore people of Worton Plnckney of the said County Twenty shillings yearely To the poore people of the Parish of Panlorspury aforesaid Thirty shillings yearely To the poore people of Whittlebury Yeareley Twenty shillings To the poore people of Silyckston yearely twenty shillings To the poore people of Sirosham ats Sysosham in the County aforesaid Yearely Twenty Shillings To the poore people of the parish of Wappenham In the said County Thirty schillings yearely To the poore people of Holmdon In the County aforesaid twenty shillings to the poore people of Wofton and Weedon Plnckney In the said County Yearely Twenty shillings To the Poore people of Adson In the County aforesaid Yearely Four shillings To the poore people of Clapton aforesaid Yearely Twenty shillings To the poore people of Bradden aforesaid yearly Four shillings To the poore people of the parish of Greensnorton In the County aforesaid, (3.) Thirty schillings yearely to the poore people of the parish of Blaxted aforesaid Thirty shillings Yearely to the poore people of Efton aforesaid and Hulcott yearely Twenty shillings To the Poore people of Coldingham and Grimscooat in the said County yearely Twenty shillings To the Poore people of Patshull in the said County Yearely Twenty shillings To the poore people of Highfield in the said County Your Shillings yearely To the poor people of Whitfield In the County aforesaid Four Shillings To the poore people of Alderton In the County aforesaid yearely Twenty shillings To the poore people of Blisworth in the County aforesaid Yearely Thirty shillings To the poore people of Plumton yearely four shillings and to the poor people of Ffranckton in the County of Warwick yearely Fourty shillings all which said severall sums of money to be yearely paid for ever hereafter and delivered by my said good friends trusted as aforesaid their heires and assignes or some of them on the Tenth day of December to the severall and respective Churchwardens and overseers of the poor for the time being of the said severall towns and villages and the sail severall sums of money to be divided and distributed yearely for ever hereafter on the seventeenth day of December by the severall and respective church wardens and overseers of the said severall towns and villages to the poore people of the sald Towns respectively at and by the discretion of the said severall and respective Churhwardens and overseers of the poore for the time being of the severall Towns and Villages and in the presence of and with the advice of the said severall and respective parsons vicars or Curates for the time being of the said severall and respective townes and villages dwelling and Inhabiting in the same severally and respectively for and towards the relief of the said poore people of the severall and respective towns and villages severally and respectively according to my true Intent and good meaning towards them AND WHEREAS likewise I have erected and built a school house near adjoining to my Mansion or dwellinghouse in Abthorpe aforesaid my Will (4.) is that the said Schoolhouse shall be for ever employed to and for the aforesaid use and that my Ffeoffees and Trustees afornamed their heires and assignes shall pay unto a Schoolmaster to teach the poore children of the said Towns gratis the sum of Eight pounds per annum for ever at the two usual feasts in the year by equall portions (viz) Four pounds at the Feast of St.Michael the Archangell and Four pounds at the feast of the Annunciation of our Blessed Lady the Virgin Mary and for the better performance of this my charitable gift and limitation to the poore and maintenance of a school master for the teaching and educating of poore (5.) children as aforesaid and the continuance thereof I doe Will and appoint that at such timees and time when it shall happen that my said Friends soe trusted as aforesaid shall all be deceased saving five or six of them that then those five or six surviving shall speedily make and execute a fffeoment of the said messuages lands tenements and premises with their appurtenances to . five or six other honest and suffcient persons which shall be then dwelling within the severall towns and villages before mentioned or some of them TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said messuagee land and premises with their appurtenances unto the said new ffeoffees for the time being and to their heires and assignes to the use of them and the other surviving Trustees and their heires in trust for the Charitable uses and purposes hereinbefore expressed and so that the same ffeoffees their heires and assignes shall forever more continue the premises In Ffeoffment and make new ffeoffments thereof in like manner to the Charitable uses aforesaid so often and from time to time as there shall happen to be but five or six of the same Ffeoffees for the time being alive to the end my said Charitable Gift and Limitation may be continued unto the worlds and and for the relief of the poore people for the time being of the severall towns end Villages as aforesaid as allow the Teaching and Educating of the poore children wlthin the (6.) Towne of Abthorpe aforesaid and my Will and meaning is and I doe hereby appoint that my said friends trusted an aforesaid and the Ffeoffees of the premises for the time being shall for ever hereafter once In every year meet and assemble at my said messuage or tenement on the Thirtyeth day of May If It happen not to be the Sabbath Day and If so then the next day after and there sett down In a book of account to be provided out of the rents and profitts of the premises from time to time for that purpose a true and just reckoning and account of all the moneys they have raised and received in the year before out of or for the promises and how and in what manner in particular they have bestowed and disposed of the same according to my true meaning expressed in this my Will and my Will Is that every such meeting and account my said Trustees and the Ffeoffees of the premises for the time being shall have an allowance (7.) out of the rents and profitts of the premises for their diett for one meale the a charges whereof not exceeding fourty shillings and my Will Is that such Books and Books of Account and Accounts and such Ffeoffment and Ffeoffments as hereafter shall be made of the premises according to this my Will together with this my Will and all the said recited leases assign- ments assurances and Conveyances made to me or byme of the premises aforesaid shall be from time to time safely kept In my said messuge In a strong and sufficient Chest with three strong locks and three keyes to be provided for that purpose at the charge of my Executor and sett In a convenient and safe place In the same messuage which three keys to be and remains from time to time in the safe custody of such three of the said Trustees and Ffeoffees of the premises for the time being an shall dwell and inhabltt next to the Towns of Abthorpe aforesaid And also my Will and true meaning is and I doe hereby limit and appoynt that my said friends the ffeoffees in trust of the premises for the time being shall yearly for ever after my death have and retaine to themselves out of the rents Issues and proffltts of the premises the sum of Ffour pounds of lawful money of England to be equally divided amongst them for their care diligence and paines in and about the performance of this my Will and Charitable Act And my (8.) Will also is that my said Friends Ffeoffees in trust of the premises for the time being shall detain and be allowed upon their said account and accounts out of the rents and profltts of the premises all such sum and sums of money Costs charges and expenses as they or any of them shall at any time or times after my death lay out expend or be putt unto in or about the repairacons of the premises or In or about or by reason of the defence of the title thereof or of any part thereof or In or about or concerning of the trust or trusts herein declared and the same allowances charges and expenses to be from time to time allowed and sett downe In the same (9.) Book and Books of account and also my Will Is that from and after my decease my servant Francls Stockley shall be tennant unto and hold occupy and enjoy my said messuage lands tenements and premises for and daring the terme of hls naturall life paying yearely for the same during the terme of his naturall life paying yearely for the same dureing his reall life the said Ffee Farme Rent of Nine pounds seventeene shillings fourpence In manner and forme as it is Reserved In and by the above recited Letters Patents and also paying further yearely dureing his life to my said Trustees and Ffeofeess in trust of the premises for the time being the yearely sums or rent of Fforty Eight pounds to be bestowed in this manner That is to say Thirty pounds thereof to the Charitable uses for relief of poore people In the severall townes and villages aforesaid In manner as is hereinbefore mentioned and the residue for the salary or wages of the Schoolmaster and to Pay suchfarther allowances and charges as are herein expressed Provided always and my Will also In that If after my death the rents Issues and profitts of the premises (10.) will not arise to defray and pay the said f:fee :ffarme rent and the said yearely sums and other the allowances charges and expenses before mencioned then my said Will is that In every such yeare and yeares a rateable and proportionable abatement to be made as well of the said severell summs of money lhereinbefore limited and appoynted to and for the relief of the poore people for the time being of the severall townes and villages aforesaid as allow out of the said sum of ffour pounds allowed as aforesaid to my said ffeoffees In trust of the premises for this time being and allow out of the ffourty shillings hereinbefore mencioned and allowed for diett (11.) as aforesaid Then my Will is and I doe hereby appoynt that all such doors doorlooke and keys waynscott Glass casements tables frames benches shelves racks mangers layers cowstalls and gates whlch at my death shall be In or about my said messuage and the outhouses and yard thereunto belonging or any of them shall for ever from thenceforth remain and continue thereon as standards not to be removed then I do give and bequeath unto John Bunting the sum of Three (12.) pounds then I give unto my late servant Thomas Cooke tenn shillings Then I give unto my cousin Symon Leeson of London Barber my Silver Bowle I doe give and bequeath unto Margarett Webb the sum of Six Shillings elghtpence a year for and dureing the terme of her life to be paid unto her yearely by my Executor Allso 1 give unto Gamaleell Whitmore Twenty shillings all therest of my Goods Cattle and Chattles whatsoever not formerly disposed off by this my last Will and Testament my debts being paid and my ffuneralls discharged I give and bequeath to my said servant Francis Stockley whom I make Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament Yett nevertheless that he shall give to every one of my servants which shall be dwelling with me at the time of my death Tenn shillings a piece both man servants and maidservants and that he shall give and dispose the sum of Tenn pounds amongst the poore people which shall be at my ffunerll and I do make and ordaine my loving ffriends George Brown of Holmdon In the County of Northton Gent Lawrence Carter of Paulorspury and Richard Marriott of Towcester in the County of Northton Gent to be Supervisors and Overseers of this my Will and Testament entreating them to see the same truely performed a cording to my true meaning and trust reposed in them And in Consideration of the paines herein to be taken I give to each of them tenn shillings and likewise I give and dispose to my Loving Friend Mr. Thomas Kilbould the sum of ffourty shillings to buy him a Ring In Remembrance of me Also I give unto my Nephew John Leeson the sum of ffive pounds to be paid unto him within one year next after my decease if he shall then be living IN WITNESS whereof I the said Jane Leeson have hereunto sett my hand and seal the day and year above written conteyning Thirteen sheets of paper. (13.)
MEMORANDUM that it is the Will and meaning of the Testatrix that no Schoolmaster which is or shall be elected to the said schools shall bring into Inhabitt or dwell In the said School house any wife or children of his to Inhabitt there but shall have it only for his own particular use and learning of such Scholars as are sent to him to learne JANE LEESON Published Subscribed and sealed in the presence of as Thomas Crossley Thomas Kimbould John Lowke John Wilkins TENORE PRENTIUM Nod. Thomas Heath th Dior offilis pricipal of Commissarius goualis in St. obtain Diorian an Kriburgen use non Arthur Norton offlcillis Etine Courtier Notlnen Faminurs Ministy qr Pirossimo Tosjo die Mousis Angusty Ano Dnl Millessimo Sectonlossimo Quadragosimo Habo Coram Diletto uro Mrs. Jeremiah Stephens Saire Theologie Batholaur Surrogatio uro In has parte ultime Deput Probate dait hume Testament Jan Leeson um dum digit de Abthorpe ats Apsthorpe Goutlbuganne gt poum approbat of Jufinnatuon Vero Valore Ejuse at Comissa falt Admlnistararo Olna at Kingtor House Jurl et Creditors dis defund et Ejus Testament Qualltoring Concerning Francis Stockley Executor In Testo Panimo pl det Nominal de bone fidelit administraro et Co Solicone debite dict defunct et Legata bone fura of Modite Ejuse. Essebd et doplens of Juvontar bonor Confinend et Thudq In a Regren urm Citra Festes Sir Michael Archangel pa Fatur Exhibsendat de implead Testatim plott morbuo et P'Oia in persona Dua Ppa la Dobita Juris forma Tuft Sta del Evangel Jarat dat Sub Siglllo qu In liat partentunr die Mousis Annoq Die Supscript.